Your Website Can Have High Bounce Rate

You spend a lot of money and time to make an attractive website that attracts the users right away. And you are spending a lot of money and time to get a high amount of traffic on your website.

But when you see a high bounce rate on your website, you always wonder why it’s happening with your website?, where did you go wrong?

What is Bounce Rate? 

The bounce rate is defined as the number of visitors who landed on your website but exited it without browsing it further or continuing to visit other pages on your website.

According to the gathered data, the bounce rate falls in the following ranges:

1.      25% or lower: Something is broken

2.      26% to 40%: Excellent

3.      41% to 55%: Average

4.      56% to 70%: Higher than normal

5.      70% or above: Bad

What is Exit Rate?


The exit rate is defined as the percentage of visitors leaving a particular page of a site after visiting a few pages on it. It provides the information of specific pages and measuring the number of visitors who left from a specific page no matter how many other pages they have visited before exiting the site. 

Bounce Rate Formula:

The bounce rate can be calculated by dividing the total number of one-page visits to the total number of entrance visits. And exit rate can be calculated by dividing the total exits from page to total visits to page.

Reasons for A High Bounce Rate

These are the following reasons for a high bounce rate of your website.

·         Slow Loading Speed
·         Low-Quality Content
·         Technical Error
·         Poor User Experience
·         Bad Landing Page Experience
·         Use of Misleading Meta Title or Description
·         Bombarding visitors with ads
·         Improper Google Analytics Setup
·         Not So Mobile Friendly
·         Poor Backlinks
·         Visitors Seeing Something Unrelated to What They Came For
·         Sending Wrong People to a Landing Page
·         Poor Grammar and Spelling Errors on the Landing Page
·         Excessive Use of Attention-Grabbing Graphics
·         Too Many Questions
·         A Few Pages Contributing Disproportionally
·         Broken Links
·         Poor Web Design
·         Auto play Videos

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